Current POsitions:


Job Description

Focus on planning and scheduling. Coordinate and organzie events, connect and seek speaking opportunites, book sigings and more. Following up with direct marketing and social media. Someone who can align with the intergrity in our brand.

  • Paid INternSHIP :

Job Description:

Data entry, mailings, dicovery and booking calls. Scheduling and organization. Errands and weekly to do’s in preperation for book signings and behind the scenes. General business and social media skill set. Someone excited to be a part of this team to learn and grow from. Enthusiactic and positive attitude, likes to talk and engage with new people. This is a great for resume building.

*Administrative Assistant

Job Description:

Part Time Virtual: 10-15 hours a week. From your home, office, pool side or beach side. We believe everyone should be able to get their work done and enjoy life.

Collect Intake Forms, Call, Email, DM New, Current and Future Clients. Edit content, documents, prepare communications, content, discovery and booking calls and more.

Someone with a “go getter” mindset, has general business and computer skill set and knows their way around social media.


Varies based on position.

Internship : $12 per hour 5-10 hours a week

Administratove Assistant: Salary 10-15 hours

30 day trial 10-15 hours a week

Publicist: Salary based upon experience.

Yearly 1099.



There will be an extensive training process.


If you think you’re a good fit for this position and can connect with our vision and brand please apply! Submit your resume to

You will receive a response within 48 hours with some Q & A's in addition to an online personality test.